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Sables and checks as elements of the traditional military culture of the dagestanians

Omarov A. I.  (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Dagestan State University)

Magomedov R. M.  (Senior Researcher, Derbent State historical and architectural and archaeological museum-reserve)

The article attempts to analyze the functional features, specifics and centers of production, the scale of the spread of sabers and checkers, as an important element of the military culture of the Dagestanis. The complex of factual material makes it possible to investigate this topic against the background of military-political events, to identify the ways in which these types of cold weapons fell into the territory of Dagestan, to determine the place and significance of sabers and sabers in the system of traditional mountain weapons. The characteristics of the studied types of weapons of Dagestan production are given, a comparative historical analysis with the Transcaucasian, Iranian, Russian, Indian models is carried out. Subject materials from the Derbent Museum-Reserve expand our understanding of the role of the saber and saber in the military culture of the Dagestanis, allow us to draw a conclusion about the deep historical roots of their production and objects of important material and sacred significance, to determine common features and differences with foreign samples.

Keywords:Sabers and checkers, military culture, Dagestan, Derbent Museum-reserve, armourers, subject materials, Kubachi, Verkhneye-Kazanishche, Gotsatl, Kazi-Kumukh.


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Citation link:
Omarov A. I., Magomedov R. M. Sables and checks as elements of the traditional military culture of the dagestanians // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№05/2. -С. 21-27 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.05-2.22
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