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The concepts “law” and “justice” in russian in the fictional text as the reflection of the national language system of the world

Balashova Natalya Pavlovna  (Candidate of Philology Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, NFI KemGU)

Kochetova Olesya Anatolievna  (cand. philol. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, NFI KemGU)

Cherenkova Lyubov Sergeevna  (Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Methods of its Teaching, Faculty of Philology Saint Petersburg State University)

Conceptual analysis is considered to be the basic method of concept research. The goal of conceptual analysis is to perceive the meaning of the concept and record them in the semantic language. The article offers the analysis of the concepts “law” and “justice”, represented in the Russian literature. The concepts of law and justice are often confused and misinterpreted because they are strongly connected, but not the same thing.

Keywords:concept, law, justice, analysis


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Citation link:
Balashova N. P., Kochetova O. A., Cherenkova L. S. The concepts “law” and “justice” in russian in the fictional text as the reflection of the national language system of the world // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№01. -С. 110-113 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.1.06
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