Khapayeva Lelya Khalisovna (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Applied Informatics, North Caucasian State Academy,
Cherkessk, Russia
Goltakov Bislan Khamidovich (GGNTU named after academician M.D. Millionshchikov
Senior Lecturer, Department of "Electrical Engineering and Electric Drive"
Grozny, Russian Federation
Akhmarov A. ()
This article covers the topic of structuring the learning process for students with disabilities through the use of distance learning resources based on the principles of inclusive pedagogy. The study focuses on the development of the author's inclusive model of e-learning, which articulates the key components of this system, its division into functional subsystems, which are described in detail through various modules and blocks. In the context of implementing the educational process for individuals with disabilities using telecommunication technologies, the article presents the author's pedagogical approaches: the method of adaptive-expert modification, the method of variable-dual approach in education, the method of evolutionary-expert support of the educational process, the method of inclusive collective virtual learning.
Keywords:inclusive education, distance learning technologies, disabilities, e-learning.
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Citation link: Khapayeva L. K., Goltakov B. K., Akhmarov A. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIMODAL DIGITAL TOOLS FOR INCLUSIVE DISTANCE EDUCATION // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№11. -С. 190-194 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.11.44 |