Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Jadidizm - a modernization of Islam School (end of XIX - early XX centuries.)

Bobokhonov R.   ()

Jadidizm as a cultural and educational movement initiated a modernization of Islam, starting with its weakest part - education. If we carefully study the history Jadidism, we will find that even with all the prohibitions and obstacles that perpetrated them, local authorities, the benefits of this modernization were evident. Modernization of Islam started Jadids, had to undergo a huge historical period, as it was in Europe. It is a very long historical period, in our opinion, it was possible to modernize Islam and bring it into conformity with the norms of polite society of the time. But the knowledge, resources, expertise and time have proved to be insufficient Jadid.

Keywords:Jadidism, Islam, Islam modernization, Jadid school, Jadid typography, Jadid press, Jadid theater, Jadid literature, Jadid charity.


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Citation link:
Bobokhonov R. Jadidizm - a modernization of Islam School (end of XIX - early XX centuries.) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№05. -С. 13-17
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