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Knowledge and social behaviour: a tentative estimation of a phenomenon of physical appeal

Shalaevа Natalia Yurievna  (Samara State University)

In article the analysis of process interpersonal перцепции is resulted, as one of which main components the effect of physical appeal acts. The analysis of the given effect, including prospect of its further studying is resulted. Also the author the approach to a problem of understanding of features interpersonal перцепции by means of disclosing of features of the protective mechanism of the person is offered.

Keywords:interpersonal perception, a phenomenon of physical beauty and appeal, effect of appeal, psychological protection, personal qualities


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Citation link:
Shalaevа N. Y. Knowledge and social behaviour: a tentative estimation of a phenomenon of physical appeal // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№03. -С. 63-65
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