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The descriptor method - as a means of expressing emotions in the interrogative and imperative sentences

Sevidova Yulia Nikolaevna  (National Research University Belgorod State University)

In this article is shown the method of emotions expression by using the descriptors in the interrogative and imperative sentences. Actuality of the article is determined by the need for further study of exclamatory sentences, the general laws of their functioning as a special structure.

Keywords:sentence, descriptor, expression, emotionality, research.


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Citation link:
Sevidova Y. N. The descriptor method - as a means of expressing emotions in the interrogative and imperative sentences // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2013. -№09-10. -С. 65-67
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