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Comparison of the terminology in the sphere of Soviet ethnic policy late 1910's -1920's and the Russian 1990s

Gorohova Eugenia Y.  (FSI, dep. history of state and municipal government; Moscow State University )

The article deals with the investigation of ethnonational policy in the USSR of 1920-s and the Russian Federation of 1990-s in view of comparison of the terminology of these periods. The specific character of the basic concepts definitions (such as “nation”, “nationality”, “people” and other), aimed at ethnonational issue settlement in the Russian state, is consistently revealed. The source of confusion of the main concepts of the postsoviet ethnonational policy is determined, and also the way of visual disposition of “up-to-date” notions of 1990-s is suggested in view of their qualitative and quantitative characteristics so that to compare them easily with their analogs of 1920-s.

Keywords:ethnonational policy, ethnic policy, nationalities issue.


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Citation link:
Gorohova E. Y. Comparison of the terminology in the sphere of Soviet ethnic policy late 1910's -1920's and the Russian 1990s // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№03. -С. 4-9
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