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Psycholinguistic motivation of estimated lexical meaning in discourse

Vorotnikov Dmitriy V.  (Graduate student of Russian State Social University)

Psycholinguistic motivation of estimated lexical meaning in discourse is associated with the value system, formed in a particular nation or ethnic group and reflected in the language as a cultural mirror. Interpretation of assessment lexical meanings can detect personal meanings (in the terminology of Leontiev A.N.), incorporated in the statement, the text or discourse. In the lexical-semantic level assessment is a category which unites strong and weak classes of lexemes, selected by strong and weak characteristics. According to this, it is possible to allocate a prototypic member of a category, its strong and weak elements. At the same time evaluative categorization is closely linked to the conceptual sphere of a people and its conceptual and linguistic picture of the world.

Keywords:Evaluation, categorization, discourse, values system, world view, language picture of the world


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Citation link:
Vorotnikov D. V. Psycholinguistic motivation of estimated lexical meaning in discourse // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№07. -С. 130-133
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