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The verb increase in syntagmatics

Banina Natalya Vasilyevna  (Candidate of philological sciences, Associate professor Financial university )

Melnichuk Marina Vladimirovna  (Doctor of economics, Candidate of pedagogics, Professor Financial university )

Osipova Valentina Mikhailovna  (Associate professor Financial university )

The article treats syntagmatic characteristics of the English verb increase as the most frequent in the lexical-semantic group of the verbs of increasing. The syntagmatic analysis is given at two stages at the level of both semantic and distributional models. The notion of signification is introduced for differentiation of heterogeneous meanings, existing in the semantic structure of the verb.

Keywords:lexical-semantic group, syntagmatics, distribution, semantics, signification, structure, semantic model, distributional model.


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Citation link:
Banina N. V., Melnichuk M. V., Osipova V. M. The verb increase in syntagmatics // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№08. -С. 88-92
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