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L.A. Barenboyme pedagogical principles in the context of modern basic music education problems

Dvoynina Galina B.  (Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University)

Igolnikova Irina V.  (Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University)

The necessity of realization of L.A. Barenboyme pedagogical principles as a basis of solution of the most important problems of modern basic music education is justified in this article. The potential possibilities of L.A. Barenboyme pedagogical principles for theoretical, project, educational, methodical, program and repertory workouts of different levels are discussed. The basic L.A. Barenboyme approach for music and pedagogical repertoire choice (folklore and classics); points of the students' musical development in the special activities, which include music perception, execution, composition; special tuition of music composition on all the points of music education are revealed.

Keywords:music and pedagogical principles, social and cultural situation, the harmonious personality development, music education, the art pedagogics.


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Citation link:
Dvoynina G. B., Igolnikova I. V. L.A. Barenboyme pedagogical principles in the context of modern basic music education problems // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№10. -С. 29-33
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