Suvorov Vadim Gennad'evich (Archpriest, Master of Science, Candidate of Theology, Competitor of Scientific Degree of Doctor, Church Doctoral Studies Center of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Lecturer, Kolomna seminary, Kolomna, Russia)
Of particular relevance to the Orthodox Church in the 20th century was the problem of the canonical organization of the diaspora, which is still acute. The Patriarchate of Constantinople put forward a theory on the exclusive right of the Constantinople See to jurisdiction over the entire Orthodox diaspora and new missionary territories. The Greek theologians saw the canonical substantiation of this theory in the rules of the Council of Chalcedon, among which the most important was the rule 28. The application of this theory in practice repeatedly caused conflicts in the Orthodox world, primarily between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The article contains a study in the historical context and comparative analysis of positions on this issue expressed in official documents of the Moscow Patriarchate and the works of Russian Orthodox theologians of different jurisdictional orientations - the Moscow Patriarchate, the Russian Church Abroad and the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Eulogius. The main factors that conditioned the conversion of Russian Orthodox theologians to this topic and influenced their positions were revealed.
Keywords:History of the Orthodox Church, canon law, Chalcedon Council, Orthodox Diaspora, Russian Orthodoxy, inter-Orthodox relations.
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Citation link: Suvorov V. G. The canons of the Council of Chalcedon as a justification of the rights of the Constantinople See to the Diaspora in the Russian Orthodox tradition 20 - early 21 century // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12. -С. 69-74 |