Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Business presentation as a genre of business communication

Wang Dan   (postgraduate student, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute)

The article deals with issues related to the study of the general specifics of the text of a business presentation in business communication in the context of genre analysis. The relevance of the topic is determined by a number of factors, including: increased interest in business communicative competence, the need to study the pragmalinguistic parameters of a business presentation as a genre of business communication, as well as the inadequate elaboration of a number of issues related to the specifics of a business presentation. The article considers a number of rules that allow to effectively organize a presentation (in particular: the rules of rationality, understanding, communication, reliability, not the use of mentoring tone, acceptance). Ethical norms and principles of presentation are given (namely: accuracy, honesty, correctness and tact, ability to listen, concreteness). Based on the analysis, the author affirms that the business presentation in the context of genre analysis has a pronounced specificity, because it is "directly or indirectly calling for action by the genre", most often to purchase products or services.

Keywords:business communication, business presentation, genre, presentation text, communicative function, norms and principles.


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Citation link:
Wang D. Business presentation as a genre of business communication // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12. -С. 204-207
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