Aigubova Saida Suleibanovna (candidate of the philological sciences, associate professor of Dagestan State University)
This article deals with the inflectional category of the noun Khudutskyi idiom belonging to the Sirkhinskyi dialect of the Dargin language – the category of number. The author points out plural forms, which are difficult to describe for the researcher. They are the following - the names that have only the plural form and names that in different meanings retain the same form of plural formation. In addition, the author defines groups of nouns of the researched dialect regarding the category of numbers. Basically, 6 groups are considered. There are also analyzed the basic ways of forming the plural of the noun of the Khudutskyi dialect. The suffixal method of formation of the plural is described in detail, as it is the most productive way both in the analyzed dialect and in the literary Dargin language. Examples of various phonetic changes which take place when affixing plural suffixes are given. In addition, suffixes in anthroponyms and toponymic units are mentioned. In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion that the Khudutskyi dialect and the literary Dargin language differ in the choice of plural suffixes.
Keywords:plural mark, internal inflexion, prefix-suffix method, suffixal method, formant, productive method, unproductive way, root vowel, truncation of the original vowel, uniqueness, multiplicity.
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Citation link: Aigubova S. S. Category number of the Hudutsky summary of the Sirkhin dialect of Darginsky language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12/2. -С. 71-76 |