Журнал «Современная Наука»

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The formation of the motive of the military-professional activity of cadets of military schools

Ostrovskiy Sergey Nikolaevich  (candidate of military Sciences, Professor of the Ryazan higher airborne command school named after army General V. F. Margelov)

The article discusses the relevance of formation of motive of motive of formation of military-professional activity of students of a military Academy. The research was conducted by analyzing the works of Russian and foreign specialists in the field of military education. The research urgency is caused by necessity of increase military training of the cadets, the permanent increase of requirements to quality of the educational process in the military College. Identified pedagogical conditions of formation of the motive of the military-professional activity of students of a military Academy. In order to implement the copyright system in the educational process of the military institution implemented the following pedagogical conditions: the subject-subject interaction of the teacher and the student, the self-actualization of the personality of students, the moral and psychological work with students. Work in this direction has been carried out on the example of the educational process of the Ryazan higher airborne command school named after General V. F. Margelov.

Keywords:motive, students, motivation, teacher of military University, the commander of the unit, pedagogical conditions, educational process, individually-educational work


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Citation link:
Ostrovskiy S. N. The formation of the motive of the military-professional activity of cadets of military schools // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№01. -С. 82-87
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