Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Diagnostic complex for study of student ability to ensure the information security of the individual

Strelova O.   (Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Khabarovsk Territory Institute of Development of Education (Khabarovsk, Russia))

Voronkin R.   (postgraduate student of the Pedagogical Institute of the Pacific National University (Khabarovsk))

The authors of the article raise the issue of the urgency of the problem of ensuring the information security of the individual in the face of challenges and threats of the modern information society. Analysis of scientific literature led to the conclusion about two poles in the interpretation of the basic concept: "information security" and the corresponding directions: technocratic and humanistic. In line with the second approach shared by the authors of the article, the information security of the individual is interpreted by pedagogics and psychologists as the ability and readiness of the individual to protect his basic properties and his integrity from negative information influences. To study the initial state of this ability of first-year students and its purposeful development in the educational process of high education the authors worked out and tested a special diagnostic complex. Analysis of the results of empirical research, in turn, helps to identify and implement the pedagogical conditions for forming the students' ability to ensure the information security of the individual in the process of studying social and humanitarian disciplines.

Keywords:information security, critical thinking, diagnostics of the ability to ensure the information security of the individual, social and humanitarian disciplines.


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Citation link:
Strelova O. , Voronkin R. Diagnostic complex for study of student ability to ensure the information security of the individual // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№01. -С. 110-114
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