Aksenova Sofya Stanislavovna (The highly qualified educator, The Gnessin State MusicalCollege and Gnessin RussianAcademyofMusic)
Arinushkina Anna Alexandrovna (doctor of pedagogical Sciences, chief researcher of the FSBSI “Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education” RAO, Moscow)
The subject of the research is the means and methods of development of professionally significant qualities of vocal teachers in the conditions of Informatization of education; the object of the research is the system of advanced training of vocal teachers in additional education of children's art schools and children's music schools (DSHI and DMSH); the authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as: the resolution of contradictions between the expectations of participants in the educational process and the level of professional training of teachers in terms of the use of modern information and communication technologies in the organization of additional education in the development of personalized educational environments.
In the process of working on the content of the article the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis of information on comparative pedagogical research of innovative technologies in the field of additional education and Informatization of education, comparative analysis of pedagogical practice on the example of European countries and the United States. Was used and the personal teaching experience of the authors in organizing and developing the content of qualification courses vocal coaches in Russia and abroad and development of academic mobility of teachers.
A special contribution of the authors in the context of this research is the generalization of approaches and methods of training vocal teachers in the field of Informatization of additional education; both the vector of development of the personalized educational environment and the process of transformation of pedagogical practices into the system of structured mentoring in the process of advanced training of vocal teachers, where the achievements of students are the criterion of the quality of training and professional development of the teacher, the structured mentoring in the training of vocal teachers, the evolution of approaches from "learning management systems (LMS)" to " personal learning environments (PLEs)»)
Keywords:structured mentoring, learning management systems, personalized learning environment, institutional educational environment, additional education, comparative research, pedagogical comparative studies, advanced training, vocal teacher, ICT-technology, interactive educational environment, Informatization of education, distributed education, academic vocals.
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Citation link: Aksenova S. S., Arinushkina A. A. The institutional Education learning environment development for advanced training of vocal coach in public school of arts and music // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№03/2. -С. 65-68 |