Krylova O. V. (senior lecturer of department of applied geometry and graphics of NRU MGSU)
In the article issues of teaching of graphic disciplines to students of preparatory courses of higher engineering educational institutions are raised; the author of the article summarizes the long-term experience of teaching drafting to students of the pre-institutional training courses of the NRU MGSU. The system of higher education in Russia is transitional, associated with the introduction of European standards of higher education, this leads to similar processes in the system of secondary and vocational education, which is characterized by the imperfection and incompleteness of teaching materials used in school education. Lack of knowledge obtained at the school has to be compensated for by studying at specialized preparatory courses, in the process of which psychological and pedagogical problems associated with insufficient level of training of incoming students are manifested. In the second part of the article the basic pedagogical methods necessary for drawing classes for students of pre-institutional training courses are given.
Keywords:pre-institutional training, drawing, engineering-graphic disciplines, technique (methods) of teaching of graphic disciplines, high school students
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Citation link: Krylova O. V. Issues of teaching engineering-graphic disciplines to students of departments of pre-institutional training // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№03/2. -С. 79-83 |