Liu Xiujuan (lecturer, Suihua University, Suihua China)
The article actualizes the problems of teaching the Russian language as foreign students of foreign countries studying in Russia. The aspect of updating the teaching of Russian as a foreign language is considered by the author through the spectrum of international cooperation between China and Russia. The author analyzes trends in the development of Russian-Chinese cooperation and identifies aspects of interaction within the framework of educational relations. The article highlights the importance of studying Russian as a foreign language in the context of developing economic relations and political integration that anticipate the elimination of language barriers in the development of further international relations by means of Russian as a foreign language. The author highlights the peculiarities of China's national educational system, which determine the methodological and sociocultural foundations of teaching the discipline "Russian as a foreign language". Also, the article presents the peculiarities of the organization of the language environment of educational institutions that train foreign students in the framework of studying Russian as a foreign language, and outlines ways to achieve the effectiveness of learning this discipline.
Keywords:Russian-Chinese cooperation, Russian as a foreign language, university students, the relevance of teaching Russian as a foreign language, aspects of the organization of the language environment of the university, methodological grounds.
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Citation link: Liu X. To the question of the actualization of the study of the Russian language as foreign in the framework of the Russian-Chinese cooperation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№05/2. -С. 59-61 |