Moiseeva Tatiana (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow))
Nowadays, one of the most important problems of training techniques in higher educational institutions is intensive search of new effective methods to improve the training process. The teacher’ role as a qualified professional is difficult to overestimate. Information competence of the teacher ranks the first, which assumes the ability to expand his own cognitive activity and to develop creative activities of students. Educational process in higher schools is influenced by such factors as accelerated rates of sustainable development of the society and promptly changing situation in the labor market. Conditions for development of modern training techniques have been created, and the teacher’s pedagogical skills open new opportunities of improvement of the whole educational process.
Keywords:pedagogical skills; information literacy; professional enrichment; information space; on-line training; uberization.
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Citation link: Moiseeva T. Pedagogical skills as the main paradigm of the modern education in a higher school // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№05/2. -С. 62-65 |