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The author’s characteristic of the Chechen writer Musa Elmurzaevich Beksultanov’s literary and esthetic concept and creative identity

Kilabova Maret Aronovna  (senior lecturer, Chechen state pedagogical University )

The article considers the author's characteristic of the Chechen writer M. Beksultanov’s literary and esthetic concept and creative identity in literary and journalistic activity, it aims to point out the analysis of his own understanding of specifics of reflection in his creativity of the moral, philosophical, art and esthetic perspective. It notes the gravity and depth of his ideological and esthetic concept which is based, mainly, on traditional moral and ethical, cultural, art and esthetic values, and at the same time, actively perceiving and reflecting the modern features, in particular, the existential understanding of tasks of art and the artist, the stream of consciousness technique literature. In the article M. Beksultanov's interest not only to ethnic, but also to universal problems is emphasized, the conclusion about the importance of research of issues of metapoetics for the creative state of the writer is drawn.

Keywords:metapoetik, literary-critical articles, moral, philosophical and art search, interview, concept of literary and art anthropology.


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Citation link:
Kilabova M. A. The author’s characteristic of the Chechen writer Musa Elmurzaevich Beksultanov’s literary and esthetic concept and creative identity // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№08. -С. 120-123
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