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Ontological model of formation of innovational pedagogical activity subject

Plaksina Irina Vasilevna  (docent of the Vladimir State University named after Aleksandr Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs)

Content of the article contains methodological substantiation for formation model of innovational pedagogical activity subject in the scope of V.I. Panov's ecopsychological approach. This approach reveals the ontological sequence of subject formation stages as a combination of person's subject qualities, implementing activity in different kinds. Innovational pedagogical activity is defined as activity promoting achievement creative level of professional self-determination and as meta-activity modifying routine components of reproductive kinds of training activity. Analysis of the subjectness formation stages lets reveal essence of innovational activity. Its sense is usage of innovational experience for transformation of educational environment/area. Stages of innovational activity subject formation are defined as a condition for transition from position of pedagogue-master to position of pedagogue-expert, and further to position of pedagogue-creator, who creates innovational and creative environment of the school.

Keywords:innovational pedagogical activity, ecopsychological approach, subject, group subject, innovational activity subject, stages of the subjectness formation.


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Citation link:
Plaksina I. V. Ontological model of formation of innovational pedagogical activity subject // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№10. -С. 69-74
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