Burikova Svetlana Alexandrovna (PhD in Philology, Senior lecturer, People’s friendship university of Russia)
Pankova Valentina Yurjevna (Senior lecturer, People’s friendship university of Russia)
The article is devoted to the issue of creating relevant foreign language teaching methodt in a non-linguistic university. The authors highlight the relevance of the topic which is caused by requests and challenges of modern education. Modern students, living and performing in the digital world, are able to search and extract the required information. But, they often fail to think and reason creatively. Holistic critical thinking is being replaced by the extracting of passive separate pieces of information. Thus, the authors of the article are focusing on the teaching method - dictogloss, considering it as a very much effective way of teaching foreign language. Furthermore, the authors come to a conclusion, that this method develops creative thinking of students, as opposite to a superficial “clips thinking”. The authors in the article provide examples of application of this method in the classes with the 1 year students. The application of this method has shown good results, being an effective tool by developing language competence and taking into consideration the peculiarities of modern students, named earlier. The major advantage of this method is that, that the students are given the opportunity to study absolutely individually. Although, at the same time, they are involved into the process of collective creations. All this contributes to self-study and developing of critical thinking and language competence.
Keywords:Teaching, foreign language, method, dictogloss, creativity, self-study.
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Citation link: Burikova S. A., Pankova V. Y. Developing of the language competence of the non-language students by means of dictogloss // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№12/3. -С. 31-35 |