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Polysemy and context (by the material of Altai verbs)

Sanalova Bayaru Borisovna  (Candidate of Philologycal Sciences, Senior Researcher, S.S. Surasakov scientific-research Institute of Altaistic, (Gorno-Altaisk))

The meanings of polysemantic word show the relationship between one and the same lexeme as a unit of the expression’s plan, but each meaning should be recognized with the help of the expression’s plan. Therefore, in detection of the meanings of polysemantic word, attention is devoted to its lexical surroundings, combinability with other words.

Keywords:verb, lexical meaning, lexical-semantic variant, compatibility, subject, object.


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Citation link:
Sanalova B. B. Polysemy and context (by the material of Altai verbs) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№06. -С. 157-161
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