Журнал «Современная Наука»

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On identifying reference signals while interpreting texts (based on polemical articles from the French press)

Makarenko Natalia Nikolaevna  (Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute for International Relations)

Naumenko Natalia Evgenievna  (Senior Lecturer, Moscow State Institute for International Relations)

The article aims to find out how the selection of semantic reference signals contributes to perception of a foreign language text by students learning French as a second foreign language. There is an integrated system of assignments based on the material of polemical articles from the French press. It is explained how the text information is processes and a new semantic complex is formed with the help of speech code mechanisms. It is noted that understanding of the text unites different language structures, refracts the personal experience of the recipient and his/her system of values. It is suggested that the difficulties in the text perception are connected with intra- and extra-linguistic factors and can be overcome (to a greater or lesser extent) through developing sustainable cognitive skills.

Keywords:semantic reference point; universal subject code; cognitive system of thinking; discursive communication frame; personal meaning; epistemological response; polemical article; modality.


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Citation link:
Makarenko N. N., Naumenko N. E. On identifying reference signals while interpreting texts (based on polemical articles from the French press) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№07. -С. 145-150
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