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From the experience of comparative-translative study of proverbs in Abazin and Russian languages

Kharatokova Maryat Gubedovna  (Doctor of Philology, assistant professor, North Caucasian State Academy)

Hapsirokova Liliya Mukharbievna  (North Caucasian State Academy)

This article is the first attempt to conduct a comparative study of proverbs in the Abaza and Russian languages. The study of lexicographic material is comparative. The author focuses on the analysis of proverbial units. Semantic comparisons, modeling, descriptive and quantitative methods are involved in the analysis of texts. To identify the semantic and typological similarities of the proverbs of the Russian language, comparisons with equivalent proverbs of the Abaza language are used.

Keywords:proverbs, Abazin language, semantic comparisons, modeling, typological similarity, equivalents


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Citation link:
Kharatokova M. G., Hapsirokova L. M. From the experience of comparative-translative study of proverbs in Abazin and Russian languages // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№12. -С. 182-187
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