Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Experimental methods of determination of students’ cross-cultural competence level

Zhukova Lidia Sergeevna  (postgraduate student of the Kemerovo state Institute of culture, Kemerovo)

in the article the problem of determination of formation of cross-cultural competence which is necessary for successful realization of cross-cultural communication at the different professional levels reveals. In the article short characteristics of cross-cultural communication and cross-cultural competence, history of formation of these concepts, the importance of cross-cultural communication and cross-cultural competence of the modern world, in particular in education are formulated. According to the author students have to be prepared for the resolving of the problems arising in cross-cultural communication, for perception of values and the standard norms of behavior to avoid misunderstanding, inadequate interpretation of behavior and also the potential conflicts which are probable because of misuse of language, wrong understanding of reaction of the interlocutor and assessment of current situation. The main components of cross-cultural competence, her opportunity and signs are reflected. Various methods of scientists, both foreign and Russian which dealt with a problem of determination of cross-cultural competence level are considered. The author uses a comparative method for description of different methods. The short description of these methods is provided in the article and following the results of the analysis the most suitable method within the research conducted by the author is defined. In the article the author opens in detail each component of the chosen technique, proving her choice for the conducted research. Features of this method, its merits and demerits are specified. The author of article gives the description of how the method was adapted for the research and how it has been introduced. In this article the author describes primary experiment made by him based on the chosen method of determination of cross-cultural competence level. In detail the author describes the groups of participants, the process of carrying out the experiment, desirable results and received.

Keywords:cross-cultural communication; cross-cultural competence; A. Fantini's methods; experiment; students; development of cross-cultural communication; level of cross-cultural competence; educational traveler; sojourner; professional; intercultural specialists


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Citation link:
Zhukova L. S. Experimental methods of determination of students’ cross-cultural competence level // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№02. -С. 56-59
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