Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Forming Foreign Language Information Competence while Teaching the French Language to Future International Economists (Advanced Level)

Selivanova Natalia Alekseevna  (PhD of Education Science, associate professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University))

Shashurina Alla Yourievna  (PhD of Philology, associate professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University))

Chitakhova Liubov Lusegenovna  (PhD of Philology, associate professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University))

The article examines how important it is to train students’ information competence at the advanced level using the French language teaching to future specialists in international economic relations as an example. Information competence, one of the key educational competencies, has many definitions, which do not contradict each other, though. Mastering information technologies that provide effective search for information as well as motivational and value-oriented attitude to information activities and ability to work with foreign language information flows develop a person’s information culture. Forming information competence by means of foreign language teaching makes a significant contribution to the development of students' ability to meaningfully perceive the required information, analyze and process it accordingly.

Keywords:foreign language information competence, information competence, information and communication technologies, information activity of a person, formulation of a hypothesis, semantic processing of content.


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Citation link:
Selivanova N. A., Shashurina A. Y., Chitakhova L. L. Forming Foreign Language Information Competence while Teaching the French Language to Future International Economists (Advanced Level) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№11. -С. 127-131 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2020.11.33
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