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Research of the toponyms of the Kazakh and English languages in the cognitive direction

Meirbekov Akylbek Kairatbekovich  (PhD in Philology, Acting Associate Professor, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan )

This article examines the study of Kazakh and English toponyms in the context of cognitive linguistics, cognitive structures and processes associated with a person, that is, the mechanisms of systematic description of toponyms and clarification of human perception of language and the principles of constructing these mechanisms. Toponymic vocabulary of any language is an internally organized and regulated system. The study of this subsystem of the language is of great importance both for onomastics and for linguistics in general. The anthropocentric direction in the study of toponymic vocabulary, aimed at the study of units of the toponymic system in close connection with human thinking and spiritual and practical activity, is promising, since it allows you to study the system as a product of human cognitive activity. In the course of the study, methods of description, classification, generalization, analysis were used to determine the etymology of the region's anthropotoponyms. The etymological origin of anthropotoponymic names is described, and the linguistic significance of the word-formation process is determined by classification and generalization. Toponyms are analyzed as a speech expression processed in consciousness, a linguistic image of the world - the relationship between a person and the environment. The modern stage of toponyms in cognitive research includes the consideration of language as one of the cognitive subsystems and onomastic vocabulary in the formulation of surrounding truths. As part of national toponymic images of the world, it is considered as an object of study of the regional (regional) toponymic image.

Keywords:cognitive linguistics, toponym, onomastics, Kazakh, English.


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Citation link:
Meirbekov A. K. Research of the toponyms of the Kazakh and English languages in the cognitive direction // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№12. -С. 147-152 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.12.18
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