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Frank Wedekind's "The Awakening of Spring" as a work of unconscious

Lopatin Alexey Leonidovich  (Postgraduate student, Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant)

Nass Victoria Yurievna  (Russian State Institute of Performing Arts)

This article examines the history of creation of Frank Wedekind’s play «The Awakening of spring», its performance on stage in Konigsberg and Germany, and gives its scientific and literary analysis. The relevance and novelty of the topic is related with considerable interest of scientists, writers and readers concerning Frank Wedekind and his work. The authors have carefully studied and described certain facts in the biography of the German playwright that influenced on formation of literary genre and his points of view and interests and the influence exerted on them by writers and psychologists. Also the authors studied Wedekind’s literary heritage and research of his work by various scientists. The article reveals a description of the creation and staging of the play «The Awakening of spring», pays detailed attention to all problems and difficulties that prevent its showing in theaters of Konigsberg and Germany. Also reviews of literary critics and writers made after watching the play are described in the article. The problem of the unconscious in the play is considered. The authors consider that the topic will be interesting to a wide range of specialists, namely: psychologists, sociologists, writers, linguists, philosophers, and requires further research.

Keywords:modernism, expressionism, Konigsberg, theater, tragedy, dramaturgy, play, unconscious.


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Citation link:
Lopatin A. L., Nass V. Y. Frank Wedekind's "The Awakening of Spring" as a work of unconscious // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2022. -№02. -С. 163-168 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2022.02.17
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