Larionov Alexey (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Regional State University)
Dvorkovaya Marina Vassilyevna (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Regional State University)
Kurenkova Evgeniya Alekseevna (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Regional State University)
This article is devoted to identifying the features of the self-representation of the kings of the Ancient East in memorable apologetic inscriptions. As examples for comparative analysis, the annals of the kings of the Hittite kingdom, Urartu, Assyria and Persia of the Achaemenid era are taken. On the basis of the texts of the primary sources, the features of the royal titulature are studied in the royal annals. Conclusions are drawn about the inextricable connection of the sacred image of the tsarist power with military campaigns, which left an imprint on the entire political history of the despotists of the Ancient East.
Keywords:war, representation, royal annals, sacralization of power.
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Citation link: Larionov A. , Dvorkovaya M. V., Kurenkova E. A. Features of Monarchs’ self-presentation in the Royal Annals of the Ancient East // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2022. -№03/3. -С. 11-14 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2022.03-3.18 |