Sukhanova Elena Yurievna (Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow state academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of K.I. Scriabin )
Nurksne Larisa Alekseevna (Senior Lecturer, Moscow state academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of K.I. Scriabin)
Shtukin Nikolay Nikolaevich (Lecturer, Moscow state academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology of K.I. Scriabin)
The article focuses on the importance of physical education in a person’s daily life and how it affects his longevity. The growing interest of people in maintaining health and longevity is emphasized, as well as the ever-increasing role of human physical culture and sports activities. The close relationship between physical activity levels and health status, as well as overall body functioning, is explored. The conceptual basis of the terms “longevity” and “teaching methods” formulated in the specialized literature is revealed. Literary sources are used as a scientific basis, as well as empirical data (the results of a sociological survey conducted in 2019 in Moscow government organizations involved in social services for older people; a long-term study conducted in Finland, which revealed a direct correlation between the level of physical activity and life expectancy). The author describes in detail the need to develop an effective methodology for teaching physical education, which would be aimed at maintaining health and longevity. It is emphasized that this technique should take into account the individual characteristics of each person, including age-related changes and physical fitness. The article highlights the key principles of this technique. They include awareness, activity, visibility, accessibility, individualization and a process of gradually increasing physical activity. Teaching methods fall into two main categories: unlearning motor skills and improving motor skills and physical abilities. Based on the research, the author comes to the conclusion that when choosing a specific teaching method, it is necessary to proceed from specific goals, principles of training, its effectiveness and scientific validity. This will help ensure that your training is as effective and safe as possible.
Keywords:physical education, teaching methods, longevity, health, athletes, physical activity, longevity research, development of physical abilities
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Citation link: Sukhanova E. Y., Nurksne L. A., Shtukin N. N. METHOD OF TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION THROUGH THE LENS OF HEALTHY LONGEVITY // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№10. -С. 117-121 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.10.36 |