Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Yanovskaya Galina Samoilovna  (Head teacher, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Russia, Moscow )

This article is devoted to the study of phraseology, its role in language and the problems of translating phraseological units. The article examines the ambiguity of the term "phraseology", the features of phraseological units, their structure, semantics and functions. It is emphasized that the understanding of phraseology goes beyond a simple stable phrase. Phraseology has a unique semantics, imagery, emotional coloring and stylistics, which allows it to perform not only a nominative function, but also to influence the audience, giving speech brightness and expressiveness. The author analyzes various approaches to the definition of phraseology, emphasizing the importance of studying it in the context of translation. The article demonstrates the difficulty of translating phraseological units due to their indecomposability into separate component meanings. Various strategies for translating phraseological units are presented, and the importance of deep knowledge of the specifics of phraseological units for high-quality translation is noted.

Keywords:phraseology, phraseological unit, phraseologism, translation, translation of phraseological units, translation strategies, lexical indecomposability, semantics, stylistic coloring, emotional expressiveness


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Citation link:
Yanovskaya G. S. PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS AND METHODS OF THEIR TRANSLATION IN SCIENTIFIC TEXTS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№08. -С. 201-204 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.08.41
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