Griban Svetlana Valerievna (Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting
named after M.A. Litovchin,
Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting Journalism,
director-producer, Pimanov and Partners LLC
The article examines the problems of the functioning of medical discourse in the Russian media, in particular on TV. It is noted that the modern medical media discourse, being a part of popular science journalism, includes both informational and cognitive and socio-cultural aspects that have a significant impact on the formation of public opinion. This is especially relevant in the modern period of development of the latest media technologies, which are characterized by unprecedented speed of content delivery, often to the detriment of its quality. The purpose of the article is to define the transformation of medical discourse on TV in terms of promoting informative and useful communication between doctors and the mass audience. The scientific significance of the article consists in an attempt to identify and describe such an important component of medical information on TV as content visualization. The research methodology provides a systematic approach, a method of comparative analysis. The result of the study is the formulation of the main approaches to the visualization of medical content on TV. The practical significance of the article is due to the prospect of using the results in the training of journalists, television directors, as well as recommendations for media staff.
Keywords:medical discourse, medical journalism, popular science journalism, television, visualization, talk shows, mass media, media communication.
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Citation link: Griban S. V. FEATURES OF MEDICAL DISCOURSE ON TV: TECHNIQUES AND FORMS OF BROADCASTING (USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE TELEVISION PROGRAM «LIVING HEALTHY») // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№10. -С. 181-184 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.10.09 |