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N.K. Chukov – public Olonets provincial zemstvo (1901-1917)

Badanov V. G.  (Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Karelsky RANEPA branch at the Russian President)

In this article N.K. Chukov (metropolitan Grigory's) activity as a public Olonets provincial territorial meeting is considered. Within 17 years N.K. Chukov participated in work of Olonets zemstvo, with its active participation in edge new schools were created, general education was entered, hospitals, roads and bridges were constructed. In the political sphere he proved as the consecutive defender of ideals of historical Russia and the statesman.

Keywords:Territorial self-government, Olonets province, Orthodox Karelian Brotherhood, All-Russian territorial union


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Citation link:
Badanov V. G. N.K. Chukov – public Olonets provincial zemstvo (1901-1917) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№09. -С. 10-13
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