Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Professional sample of senior pupils in ecology

Cherkashin Evgeny   (Research officer of the social-professional self-determination laboratory at Russian Academy of Education, Content and Method of Training Institute (URAO ISMO))

Ecology domain penetrates all aspects of social life. This calls forth a diversity of situations of self-determination in the ecology domain. That is why preparedness shaping toward self-determination in the ecology domain is a pedagogical problem of today. Professional trials are the means of preparedness shaping toward self-determination in the ecology domain for high school students. Due to these trials students are getting acquainted with ecological aspects of future professions and receive active experience in the ecology domain. Such an experience provides students’ self-determination in the ecology domain and creates favorable conditions for development of cognition interests. According to this approach, professional trials may be considered as a pattern of social expectations toward future professional in the form of educational task. This approach illustrates professional trial “Phytodesign” that include ecological components.

Keywords:attitude, ecology domain, activity, self-determination, high school student.


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Citation link:
Cherkashin E. Professional sample of senior pupils in ecology // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2011. -№04. -С. 46-49
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