Potapova Olga Michailovna (North- Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov,
Baeva Tamara Achmatovna (North- Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov,
Kubacheva Kabiyat Ibragimovna (North- Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov,
This article considers methodological issues related to the foreign language teaching in medical schools especially, the choice of language means for effective mastering of professional competencies in the field of medicine. The technology of content area and linguistic material selection, which is based on the communicative principle of ESP teaching, is presented; the connection between of the text content and a specific speech situation, the pragmatic needs and interests of the students are taken into account. The article deals with the determining the criteria for educational text resources selection for reading skills developing and methods of work with them. The study was performed on the basis of text books for medical students and postgraduates written by the authors of the article for teaching English for specific medical purposes and their practical approval in our medical university.
Keywords:educational text selection, selection criteria for text material, language means, the medical text peculiarity, ESP teaching, medical students and postgraduates.
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Citation link: Potapova O. M., Baeva T. A., Kubacheva K. I. Selection of educational texts for teaching ESP in medical university // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12. -С. 148-151 |