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Professional training of the future music teacher in the process of integration of music-executive disciplines

Voloshina Tatiana   (graduate student, Science Academy (branch) of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Yalta, Republic of Crimea, Yalta)

Based on the conducted research, the article States that a significant role in the professional training of a music teacher is played by its musical and performing aspect, which is based on the formation of a person as a creative organizer and propagandist of musical art in a secondary school. It is proved that the content of professional training of a future music teacher should be aimed at deepening and spreading, integrating General cultural, psychological-pedagogical and special musical knowledge in order to create special conditions for the formation of a modern teacher-educator, a specialist of a wide humanitarian profile, and involves mastering a complex of psychological-pedagogical, pedagogical and musical-performing competencies. The essence of integration of musical and performing disciplines is not only in structuring the educational material on the basis of an integrative approach, but to a greater extent is reduced to developing a set of pedagogical tasks that would reflect the integrative nature of the educational material. provided readiness for work in General education and extracurricular educational institutions. Professional training of future music teachers in the integration of musical-performing disciplines, the author considers how the optimal organization of pedagogical process on the basis of subject-subjective interaction, which is due to the systematization of knowledge on the related subjects of the professional cycle implies their Union in the whole.

Keywords:musical and performing activities; integration of musical and performing disciplines; educational and cognitive activities; professional training; pedagogical task; pedagogical situation; organizational and methodological model.


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Citation link:
Voloshina T. Professional training of the future music teacher in the process of integration of music-executive disciplines // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 26-32
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