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Indicators of the best practitioners of the Russian Federation in the provision of psychological and educational assistance to parents with children of preschool age

Kurnosova Svetlana Anatolyevna  (doctor of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Moscow state pedagogical University)

This paper substantiates the need to provide parents of children of preschool age, in particular, under the age of three, with diagnostic, psychological, pedagogical and consulting assistance at the state level. Within the framework of the article, the list of acts of pre-school educational organizations that make up the regulatory framework, within which it is necessary to solve the problem, is studied and analyzed. As a way to resolve it, the creation and maintenance of variable forms of preschool education is considered. The main difficulties of the development of a network of alternative educational preschool organizations are studied, their main functions are indicated. The work contains practical materials on the development of a system of indicators of the best practices of organizing alternative centers, which resulted, firstly, the creation of a set of indicators of the best practices of organizing diagnostic, psychological-pedagogical and counseling centers for parents with children of preschool age in the regions of the Russian Federation, secondly, The selection of best practices in the organization of centers has been carried out.

Keywords:center of psychological and pedagogical assistance, children of preschool age, indicators of best practices of care, best practices of the organization of centers.


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Citation link:
Kurnosova S. A. Indicators of the best practitioners of the Russian Federation in the provision of psychological and educational assistance to parents with children of preschool age // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№01. -С. 83-86 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.01.17
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