Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Salmanova Ilham Zubayrovna  (PhD student, Chechen State Pedagogical University (Grozny) )

This work is devoted to the analysis of scientific literature on the problem of formation and development of scientific research culture of students of the pedagogical University. Our analysis of the literature on the problem showed that various aspects of the problem of the formation and development of scientific research culture are being studied by many scientists and allowed us to identify the following main directions by which scientific literature on the problem can be differentiated: the history of the formation and development of research activities of students in Russia and abroad; organization and management of students' research activities; structure and content of students' research activities; the influence of federal state standards on the organization of students' research activities; methodological approaches in students' research activities; modeling in the organization of students' research activities; the role of students' research activities in personal development; the relationship of scientific research-research activities and creativity of students; research competencies of students; development of the university in the field of research activities and the role of research activities of students in the life of the university; organization of research activities of students of the pedagogical University; research activities of undergraduates and graduate students; research culture of students; preparation of future teachers for research activities; various aspects of research activities of teachers and teachers; research activities of teachers as a factor of their professional development. In this paper, all these scientific areas are considered in more detail.

Keywords:students' research culture, research competencies, students' research activities.


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Citation link:
Salmanova I. Z. THE PROBLEM OF FORMATION OF STUDENTS' RESEARCH CULTURE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№05. -С. 110-119 DOI 10.37882/2223–2982.2024.5.35
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