This article determines the modern transformation in the educational system in Russia. In the course of this work it was possible to identify changes in the educational process, taking into account the use of neural networks, innovative technologies and artificial intelligence, to identify negative and positive aspects through the development of a foreign language, namely phraseological units as one of the difficult grammatical topics. Thanks to the study of specialized literature and the conducted theoretical analysis, it was possible to study neural network technologies (NeuroSmart environment, CNN (convolutional neural network), LSTM (long short-term memory), LanguageTool, Big Data), analyze their capabilities and advantages in education, trace how innovations can increase the grammatical level of a foreign language, consolidate practical grammatical and auditory skills, including on the topic of phraseological units, develop student independence and stimulate personal growth. Neuropedagogy and innovation as neural networks are indeed of particular importance in the development of modern education, including a second language (foreign).
The purpose of this work is to study the use of neural networks in the study of a foreign language`s phraseological units.
The methods of this study are analysis and synthesis of the data obtained.
Keywords:neural networks, phraseological units, NeuroSmart environment, CNN (convolutional neural network), LSTM (long short-term memory), Big Data, LanguageTool, foreign language.