Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Novikova Natalia Georgievna  (PhD, associate professor; head of the department of biological and medical physics, S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy)

Klishkova Natalia Vladimirovna  (PhD, associate professor; associate professor, S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy)

Bareeva Roza Sibagatovna  (PhD, associate professor; associate professor, S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy)

Gugalo Vitalij Petrovich  (PhD, associate professor; teacher, S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy)

Yurchenko Anton Alekseevich  (PhD; senior teacher, S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy)

The article discusses some problems and features of teaching physics and mathematics in a non-native language to cadets from CIS-countries (ex-ussr) and foreign countries at the Military Medical Academy. The capabilities of using modern teaching methods to increase the effectiveness of the educational process and improve the adaptation of foreign cadets to the learning process are being studied. The study used domestic and foreign pedagogical experience of teaching foreign students in higher educational institutions and medical universities, in particular. The results of the conducted research are of interest to university specialists and higher education teachers involved in the formation and implementation of professional educational programs for international students. The effectiveness of the educational process of foreign students at a medical university depends on a number of factors: the degree of adaptation to the educational process, basic knowledge, motivation to study, the pedagogical skills of the teacher, educational and methodological support of the department. Traditionally, cadets begin their studies at preparatory courses, as students with a low level of language knowledge experience significant difficulties in studying general and special disciplines in the first one or two years of study at the university. The authors of this article describe their methodology for teaching physics and mathematics to cadets from foreign countries, which ensures efficiency and allows not only to prepare them for professional activity, but also to develop their language and communication skills in a Russian-speaking environment. The materials of the conducted research may be of interest to teachers, as well as psychologists investigating the problems of teaching mathematics and physics to foreign students involved in the implementation of basic professional educational programs for foreign citizens in universities and, in particular, in medical schools.

Keywords:foreign cadets, modern teaching technologies, physics and mathematics at a medical university, organization of training


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Citation link:
Novikova N. G., Klishkova N. V., Bareeva R. S., Gugalo V. P., Yurchenko A. A. FEATURES OF TEACHING PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS TO FOREIGN CADETS OF THE MILITARY MEDICAL ACADEMY OF S.M. KIROV // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№07. -С. 97-104 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.07.28
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