The formation of the technological potential of the state begins with the stage of technical and engineering education as a result of the implementation of a pedagogical process that ensures the readiness of the education system at all levels to develop professional and individual qualities of the student, including a motivational basis, theoretical knowledge and practical competencies. At the same time, the key importance in the system of professional training in modern conditions is acquired by the engineering scientific school, which provides a systematic accumulation of advanced theoretical knowledge and methods of professional training in the field of technical sciences. The implementation by the scientific school of the content and methods of teaching at the levels of higher and secondary technical education in the system of engineering training allows us to create conditions for the implementation of pedagogical mechanisms based on the research competencies of students, ensuring further professional and scientific growth in the engineering specialty. This becomes possible when taking into account the peculiarities of modern engineering scientific schools, understanding their relationship with production and the system of organization of vocational education, a comprehensive analysis of methods and forms of education and upbringing that meet the requirements of vocational training. The article is devoted to the pedagogical aspect of the activity of the modern scientific engineering school, which determines its paradigm in the context of expanding the systemic links of engineering education. Keywords: pedagogical aspect, professional education, competencies, engineering scientific school, research, education, interdisciplinary connections, paradigm, methods, innovations, theoretical knowledge.
Keywords:pedagogical aspect, professional education, competencies, engineering scientific school, research, education, interdisciplinary connections, paradigm, methods, innovations, theoretical knowledge.