Vlasova Liubov Viktorovna (высшая школа, воспитательная деятельность, подготовка педагогов к организации воспитательной деятельности, субъект-субъектные отношения, гуманизация, сотрудничество, образовательная политика.)
The article actualizes the problem of training teachers of higher education for the implementation of organizational activities in the educational and educational space of the university. The author reveals this problem from the standpoint of the conceptual foundations of the educational policy presented in the "Law on Education" of the Russian Federation. The article identifies and characterizes the main imperatives of the teacher's organizational work in the field of educational activities with students, among whom the author emphasizes the development of the personality of high school students, the creation of the necessary conditions for personal and professional self-determination and socialization, the promotion of socio-cultural development, the formation of spiritual and moral values, oriented on the norms and rules adopted in society, the preservation of national self-awareness and self-identity regard within poly- and multicultural educational environment, and timely analysis of approaches to the organization of educational work with students of high school from the standpoint of the theory of activity within the framework of the humanization of the subject-subject relationship. The article considers the main directions in the preparation of a higher school teacher for the organization of educational activity, their essence and content are characterized in the context of the correspondence of the higher school educational policy, the problems of teacher training and the directions of their solutions are suggested.
Keywords:higher school, educational activity, teacher training for the organization of educational activity, subject-subject relations, humanization, cooperation, educational policy.
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Citation link: Vlasova L. V. Preparation of the teacher for the organization of educational activity with students of higher school // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№10. -С. 55-58 |