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Philosophy of educational concepts

Song Yu   (graduate student, Moscow state University named After M. V. Lomonosov)

With a careful social division of labour, the society sets requirements for specialization in academic disciplines and institutional settings. As the degree of specialization increases, the division of occupations becomes more detailed and there is a clear barrier between occupations. Aristotle believes that there are only two types of education: "free man" education and "not free man"education. "Free human" education is not for practical and necessary purposes, but for free and noble feelings, the main content of which is the free study of non-utilitarian purposes, including philosophy in the first place; and the education of a "non-free person" refers to making a living. According to the philosopher, most modern varieties of " diversity "are"non-free people". Inscribed in the temple of Delphi, Apollo's motto - "Know yourself" refers to education, so it is that education itself and teachers must solve the problem of self-awareness. The same goes for students who are students, perhaps above all, educating students with this unique temperament, the ability to use reason rationally. We cannot imagine that teachers in a state of ignorance can bring a successful education to society. Education should turn to itself and turn to the very "man." Leo Strauss, in his speech "What is free education?"Liberal education is an intra-cultural education or education to culture, and culture today basically means the cultivation of the soul.

Keywords:educational concepts, philosophy, idea of education.


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Citation link:
Song Y. Philosophy of educational concepts // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№12. -С. 102-107
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