Buldakova Daria Alexandrovna (Graduate student of the MSPU correspondence department)
The article is devoted to the results of an experimental study of the formation of educational motivation in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation and complex disorders. The purpose of the article is to conduct an experimental study of the formation of educational motivation in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation and complex disorders and describe its results. It was revealed that for younger schoolchildren with moderate mental retardation and complex disorders, according to the data obtained during an empirical study, there is mainly an unformed educational motivation, in the structure of which the game, external and social prevail; an immature position of educational motivation; underdevelopment of mental activity and the entire cognitive sphere.
Keywords:moderate mental retardation, complex disorders, educational motivation, motivation to study, formation, game motivation, observation, immature position of educational motivation
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Citation link: Buldakova D. A. A STUDY OF THE FORMATION OF EDUCATIONAL MOTIVATION IN YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN WITH MODERATE MENTAL RETARDATION AND COMPLEX DISORDERS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№07. -С. 64-68 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.07.07 |