Chizhikova Svetlana Nikolaevna (Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)
Shorina Lubov Valentinovna (Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecture of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)
This article discusses the basic principles and approaches to teaching foreign languages, as well as their application in educational practice. The author analyzes each of the approaches, their features and advantages, and also considers how they can be integrated into the educational process to achieve the best results. The author analyzes various methods and technologies that can be used to improve the learning process and increase the effectiveness of classes. The article also discusses issues of motivating students and creating a favorable atmosphere in the classroom. Aspects such as the communicative approach, interactive teaching methods, and the use of multimedia technologies and online platforms are described. The results of the study show that modern approaches to teaching a foreign language, based on the principles of linguodidactics, can significantly improve the learning process and increase the effectiveness of classes.
Keywords:foreign language, teaching, linguodidactics, communicative approach, methods and technologies.
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Citation link: Chizhikova S. N., Shorina L. V. BASIC APPROACHES TO REACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND THEIR APPLICATION // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№10/3. -С. 147-151 DOI 10.37882/2223–2982.2024.10–3.42 |